11 Nov 2011

The King Of Rock & Roll Completely


 Well, thank you very much!

As well as writing, every now and again I dabble in art.
When I saw this picture of Elvis, I just had to paint it.  In the paint box was a pack of acrylic tubes with the cellophane still on, crying out to be opened.  This portrait is the result.
I'd never used acrylics prior to this - not as workable as watercolour, but the definition takes less time to achieve.
The light was quite pleasing, too - there's a definite sense of a sweep to the hair.
The monochrome bits in my G+ profile probably represent what I'd call my style, if such a thing exists; I love black and white - simple, powerful.
But this was worth having a pop, before I have a crack at oils.
Next up, Mona Lisa...
...mmm, maybe a bit more practise, first.
Zeb. x

16 Oct 2011

16 days to NaNo & counting

Well, we're a little over a fortnight away to 30 days of non-stop scribing that is NaNoWriMo!
Google+ is a great place for ideas and inspiration from experienced NaNonians, but, if I'm honest, I'm having a helluva game keeping up with everything on that platform.

I started building a file that encompassed all of the snippets that were zipping past me in the stream (which has become this little website) when I thought, 'hey, surely all G+'ers entering NaNo may want a part of this'.

I'd love this site to be a collective, a place to step away from the mainstream, collect our thoughts and be somewhere where we can lean on others, should that need arise.

So, if you have lost your plot or your muse has decided to take an unexpected vacation to The Canaries or are just curious as to what the competition is up to, have no fear.

Join DarrelldooGSpot for the duration (and beyond) to have access to hundreds of free tools, speak your mind in a community of like-minded NaNonians and back up and upload your story, either for security or further exposure - you choose who gets to see it!.

Zebedeerox awaits you with open arms to prove to the world that Google+'ers are the best in the biz!!!
See you on the inside. x

oDesk Certified Online Article and Blog Writer

14 Oct 2011

Avenging Angel

            And so the witch woke,
Another year passed;
Night's shadows in smoke,
Legions rising fast.

A Vampire, a ghoul,
Lycanthropic moon;
Necks slobbered with drool
Howls have started soon!

Cauldrons a-bubble,
A hex on the cursed;
Imps numbers double,
Lust brings out their worst;
Ending in trouble,
Lest they slake their thirst.

Now they assemble,
Our coven, undead;
Townsfolk all tremble:
Where could they have fled?

Devil leaves his lair,
Sanctioning slaughter;
All first-born despair:
Ev'ryone's daughter.

Too late, trick or treat:
Vanquished humans die;
Eve's sin too complete;
End of Days is nigh!

• a TARCIP, by

A Tarcip - twin-acrostic rhyming couplet iambic pentameter

oDesk Certified Online Article and Blog Writer

18 Sept 2011

Daylight Robbery - A Mushroom's Tale

Once in forever, behind a brick wall,
there lived a mushroom who scarce moved at all.

Each Spring it would grow from out of the ground
always all-seeing, but making no sound.

The grass would rise up, and so would the weeds;
flowers grew taller, so spreading their seeds.

But one year it thought, this mushroom, so squat,
'Why stay in this damp? I want to feel hot!

'I'm sick of the flies, the spiders, their webs;
long eve'ning blankets of shade as sun ebbs.

'I've been so content, but now I want more:
to burst into bloom, not shadow the floor!'

And so when the wall was brought tum'bling down
a smug little smile replaced mushroom's frown.

Its lamellae spread to welcome the dawn
and sheltered the dew all throughout the morn'.

But then after noon, in sun-blazing heat,
moisture escaping, it looked for retreat.

Its stipe rooted firm it longed for the days
when it hadn't felt these torturous rays.

It wouldn't survive in sunlight so bright
and after day one it welcomed the night.

Day two proved too much, in heat, shrivelled up,
this mushroom's chapter was closed, like its cup.

When next sunrise came the fungus lay dead,
both it and the dream had perished, instead.

oDesk Certified Online Article and Blog Writer

Awaiting Autumn

Gentle rain sprinkles spoilt sun-scorched turf;
Oppressive humidity breaks, crumbles;
Cooler breezes strengthen,
Sighing beneath the shutter
Cranked closed after countless ray-struck days.

Soft air feels fresher, crisper; above, pink clouds,
Nudge aside their grim, grey cousins' dark shrouds,
Summer still reminding us,
Cascading cerise cumulus,
That autumn won't set in without a fight.


Laden boughs, fruitful, sag and bob in rhythm:
Regimented rows sway and bounce in sheets of shower;
Pearlescent droplets glitter
And orange-pink beads glow
On plums and apples and pears; mouth-watering.

The first twilight stars peep through, and yet
The horizon-bound sky still glows cornflower bright.
Twinkling red, white and blue,
Through the ozone they shimmer;
A million magical light-sped years to dazzle us.

A lunar nail-clipping merges with this celestial ballet,
Its dark side barely visible as dusk descends;
A weary sun bids adieu,
Beyond blackening hill-scapes,
To bring light and life and warmth to someone else's morn.

Countless hues of blue imbue the sky
Right to left: turquoise, air-force, royal, indigo, navy.
Into near pitch-dark as
The panoramic canvas,
Truly global, is iridescent with innumerable tiny crystals.


Autumn espies one fleeting chance, one more last shot:
Mercurial clouds flit across the ever brightering moon,
They chase each other in
Lunar hide and seek.
Still the chill wind quickens; goosebumps ripple.

Warped, shrinking floorboards creak and cry out,
Of colder nights under my shuffling weight;
The cracked cider jug, illuminated,
Temporarily filled with scrumpy bought;
Will soon be brim-full with my pulverised fruits.

But what's the rush? Ma Nature will out.
Just savour, for now, summer's final fling,
Before ripe apples fall,
And grass, just once more,
Glows green again, before winter claims it all.


17 Sept 2011

Star Wars I–VI on Blu Ray @ Amazon.co.uk

I can remember it, now, as if it were yesterday.
   Yes, I know you hear that all of the time, but, if I close my eyes tight enough, I’m back in time to Whitsun, 1977.  Almost a man at the age of six and three-quarters, my sister and I were on school holidays, with the big six-week break just a few weeks away. 
   We were going to Weston-Super-Mare that summer, I recall.  I'd overheard our folks talking about going to ‘Western’.  Oh, how disappointed was I when my mom explained in the Cortina on the A5 that there weren’t going to be Wigwams, Cowboys or Indians when we got there?!  I digress, sorry; that was to be in July, but here we are only in May.
   The sun was glaring down, tanning the ass off the grass, Woolworths were anticipating another “’76” and their shelves were crammed with suntan lotion, water pistols and swimming trunks and my dad had just told me to put my first purple chopper away.
   Which I thought was totally unreasonable: I had wanted to ride it to Bradley Park to play football with Stu & Dean; he wanted to take my sister and I to the cinema to see Star Wars.  In this weather!
   But, it was the holiday week, we rarely got to see him (he was working on ‘the insurance’ and we were nearly always in bed when he got home) and I think mom had had enough of me bringing everyone in for a soda-stream.
   So, we agreed to go, me and Kirsty, my sister.  At that age, she (having just turned four) agreed with everything I said (that didn’t last much longer!), and I was about to have my first encounter with ‘The Force’.
   So, I put on my (imitation) leather pilot jacket, white t-shirt and blue jeans and The Black Country’s mini-me of Arthur Fonzerelli was about to hit the picture house for the very first time.

16 Sept 2011

Test post for What a Kindle Day

In theory, this should have a load of links direct to amazon.
When I type in The Jam as HTML, it should Link to The Jam on amazon.co.uk.
Likewise, if I was to say that All Mod Cons was my favourite album by The Jam and type in this All Mod Cons it should point to All Mods Cons & The Jam.
But if I type in this All Mod Cons it will bring up a page of mp3's by The Jam And finally, this: how ‘kin cool is this? will take me to the ASIN product for that code with the phrase I dig this item as the link. 'Kin Ace



To be honest, I am not very fond of my own company. Likewise, my co-inhabitants of this new-found realm (details of which are still sketchy, at best) seemingly share that same distaste.

Given the choice, we’d all rather be elsewhere, but a status quo subsists for an indeterminable future... 
... wherever that materialises. This predicament may impair my ability to relate this tale, which is due, in no small part, to my closest acquaintance, whom I thought had accompanied me on this sojourn.

“Now don’t you get blaming me, Seamus”

Ah, Nick. Speak of the devil.

“Well, quite. How remiss, Seamus, that it was the utter depth of your desperation that summoned me forth and consequently condemned you, thus.”

Forget? If only. But now you’re back, Nick, given my current indisposition, would you oblige?

“Of course, Seamus. I’ll indulge you. Again. Stop me only when I lose you.”

Understood, Nick; pray, continue…

“Firstly, dear reader, please allow me to introduce myself, although some of you must surely recognise me already.

“Names, they are legion: Old Nick, as yer man Seamus here prefers; Lucifer; Satan; Memnoch. And for those who daren’t even mention my moniker, I’m that fork-tailed, goat-hoofed, horned imp you utilise to personify your every misdemeanour and inadequacy.”

But are you real, Nick?

“You conjure me, see me, feel me, need me; allow me gratis accommodation in your conscience and say ‘thank yer’ for the privilege. My questionable existence can only be determined by ‘Free Will’, of which you’re in control, right?

“Devil Incarnate? Perhaps. In disguise? Never.”